Tuesday, February 28, 2006


As you may have guessed by the title of this post, I have a new cellphone!!! Since I learned the hard way that my last one couldn't survive both sledding and the washing machine, I was forced to get a new one. It's blue and has speaker and a camera and, yes, Corinne, it's a flip-phone. So, buds, send me your cell and home phone numbers, because they were all on my old phone. The guy at the Verizon store, Michael, I think, told us that he and his wife were trying to have a daughter after having three sons, so as we walked out I yelled to him, "Good luck! Daughters are the best!" Heehee.

Today after school, after Cori and I went to newspaper (for which she has to see what looks like a sucky movie, Aquamarine), we were hanging out in the hallway fooling around and Mr. Lee commented on my outfit. The nerve of him!!! Alright, so it was a little intense today (very short kilt, shorts, black tights, green knee-highs, Airwalks, white button-down shirt, pink shell necklace), but he does NOT have the right to advise me on my fashion sense. We also signed (or re-signed) the Rachel's Challenge paper, which is outside of the library if you're wondering. Don't make fun of the hand I drew. It looks like I was having a seizure while tracing my hand. Or like I have very distorted fingers.

On a more disappointing note, I got an 82 on my living environment test. Urg. Urg. Urg. I HATE getting bad grades. I really want to be in Honors next year, but I don't think I will. I try so hard, but I disappoint myself. I don't want to get booted down. English and social studies are okay, but math and science aren't my forte ... don't you think 'forte' sounds like some kind of dessert? I always have. Maybe it's because 'torte' is the Swedish word for 'cake'.

Is that how you spell 'forte', anyway?

I realized something the other day reading over my Spelling Bee post. I spelt 'jeopardize' wrong when I corrected myself. Lordy, lordy, lordy. I am not the most chocolate-y cookie in the cookie jar.

There's something I would post but I'm not going to post because there are people I don't like that might read this and I don't want them to ... get ideas. You know what I mean, Corinne. ::winks:: And that is NOT how it sounds. Or looks. Or whatev.

I have finally given up on the guy I love. I mean, loved. As in past tense. I'm not going to write how long I've loved him, but lemme tell you, it's been a while. And we've always been just friends. And that's hurt for such a long time. So I'm rinsing my hands of him. Good song, that is, "Saddest Girl Story," by The Starting Line. Inspiring. Stop expecting change/He's just a lost cause that you're waiting on/Take a look around/You could have anyone, so leave undeserving him.

There's a new kid in school! A Mr. John. Hmmm. Fascinating. He has the locker next to mine, so I've been studying him out of my periphs. There was never anybody next to my locker, so I thought the popular kids two lockers away were switching lockers again, so I glanced out of my all-knowing periphs and I'm like, "Oh, hello, that is most definitely not one of the popular kids." But he does sit with the athletic popular boys. Curioser and curiouser.

The English test was okay-easy. But my face is falling off in great white pieces of skin. Ew, gross. And my nose is getting worse. Red. And icky. And mean boys like Patrick and Henry and Mike are being evil. Evil home-boys. Grrrr.

In Omega, there was this whole debate whether you could take the healthy brain out of a diseased body and place it into the healthy body of a brain-dead person. I totally don't think you can do that. You can't kill somebody to save somebody else. The brain-dead person has the wish to stay alive, obviously, or the plug would've been pulled. They have the right to stay alive.

I also don't believe in the death penalty. Killing somebody will not make the crime that they committed any less horrendous. I think that life in prison without visits is a much worse punishment.

While I'm on such a controversial note, I don't believe in God. I worship nature. I believe yoga is the best thing that you can do for yourself. I don't believe in inorganic meats. I believe that most people don't breathe the way they should. I believe that saying 'Namaste' (which means 'The divine light in me acknowledges and honors the divne light in you) is the greatest compliment you can give.

This will spark a whole lotta comments, if anybody reads it.

Anyway, I's got a buttload of homework to do. I hate school. Bleh.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

"This will spark a whole lotta comments, if anybody reads it."

"If anyone reads it." is key. I do believe in God. Yay God. And I read your Blog. Yay Blog. Do I get a cookie?