Sunday, March 19, 2006


Oh my goodness. "Pippin" is so good. My brother's an idiot. In the war scene. God. But it's still really, really good. And that sixth grader who plays Theo is adorable! Mitch. And Hayden and him are so cute together. Mmmm, I want to squeeze him.

So today, Sunday, is the last night of the musical. The last two nights were so good! They evened out, though, because Billy stumbled over a few lines last night and Brian did Friday night. Billy's part is so not the right key for him, but he did really, really well. And these people don't even know who I am. I know who they are. That's what I get for having an older brother.

Last night was our night. The one we Tachters, Ways, and Promaneks have every year. Last night was also the cast party, so Steve and Dane didn't come back to the Tachter/Promanek place to party. First, though, we did not go to the Adirondack Grill. We went to the Laguna Grill. Where I had Chipotle BBQ Chicken. Which I did not finish. Because it was gargantuan. If that's a word.

The Larsons, a friend of the Tachter/Promaneks, joined us for dinner, although Bryce (I did not spell that right) and his girlfriend Melissa (I think) didn't go to the play afterwards. They should be shot. Who would miss out on that willingly?

So there was a fifth grader (I think), Abe, who is going to be a hottie when he grows up. And he's so sweet and nice. I want to give him hugglies, but I think that would freak him out. Whatev.

Nick started it. He asked for a pen from me, so I dug through my entire huge bag to find him a pen so he could draw the Aquateen Hunger Force characters on his napkin. Hayden, Abe, and I watched him for a few minutes before Hayden found a pen in her bag and stared doing quadratic formulas on her napkin. It was really odd. Then Abe gave in to the fad and found a pen and started to make a really complicated maze. I was the last to fold, but eventually I cursed at my bag and searched with a flashlight for a few minutes before I found a pen for myself.

I drew my infamous kitty, a drumset, and a single eye and a nose. And I wrote some of the lyrics to "Saddest Girl Story" by The Starting Line and "Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades" by Brand New on it. And I wrote four lines on it that I made up. Which I forgot. But I'll remember.

Oh, and me and Hayden got up and danced in the corner of the restaurant to the salsa music. Actually, we did really bad '80's dancing, and turned around to see everybody at the table staring at us. It was pretty funnny. I motioned for Nick to come join us, but he chickened out. Boo, Nick.

When we were at the play, we were waiting for it to start. Alicia sat to the right of me, Sophia to the left, Corinne to the left of her, Hayden to the left of her, Abe to the left of her, Nick to the left of him, Jen to the left of him, Mom to the left of her, and Paula to the left of her. So I had Alicia start a Hug Chain, up until Mom broke it because she had no idea what she was doing.

And I'm going to shoot Jess. I want her to take me skiing with her family. Not just any time, however. ::cough::Billy::cough:: You're dead, Jess.

Steve and Dane were at the cast party, and Jen was pooped, so Chip drove Jen home while Mom, Bryn, Hayden, April, Erin, Nick, and I danced in the living room. Nick even admitted that he had fun, even though he wasn't allowed to go to the party. And then we shuffled around the living room not picking up our feet to create a static electricity. Erin kept shocking me in the forehead until I got a massive headache. I could feel the brain cells dying.

That hurt.

And then I was amazed by Nick's ability to catch a wadded-up gum wrapper while laying on the floor, because when I lay down my depth perception is completely out of whack. So I layed, lied, whatev, down next to him and tried to catch my hair clip when I threw it up. And I didn't. And that hurts considerably more than a gum wrapper when it hits you on the head.


Nick and I laughed so hard. They're such little idiots. They were so cute, though. I'll give you three words: dancing and Britney Spears. Nuff said. Hehe.

Nick and I had an in-depth conversation last night as he read Seveteen magazine and I read my dumb fifth-grade stories. We talked about love. I said it was beautiful, but it wasn't worth it. And he was pretty silent the whole time. I think. I don't really remember. It wasn't all that in-depth.

Whatev. I'm tired. We only stayed up until like 2am this morning. I was shocked. We left the Tachter/Promaneks at 1. AT 1. D'you know how early that is? Dumb parents, getting tired. Gosh. I could've danced the night away.

Spare a little sunshine.

It must be so fun to have Jackie's part. Jeez. Except I would look really bad doing it. Whatev. I can still do it in my room with the door shut. So shoot me.

Eh... I'm done. And hungry.

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