Wednesday, March 8, 2006

See that really long link up there? That one? That's the link to my Relay for Life page, where you can make a donation. Please do so. Or tell your parents to do so, since you need a credit card number. Thanks.

I don't know where the title came from. So don't ask.

Well, since my iPod would not play my music, and made a really annoying high-pitched humming noise when I tried to force it to, I got a new one. And spent all yesterday night not doing homework (surprising, eh?) and trying to figure out how to make my computer recognize it. So I plug it into my computer today, you know, for sh-ts and giggles, and a screen pops up asking me to name my iPod. Which I did. "Banany". YAY I HAVE AN iPOD AGAIN!

Sooo, yesterday it seems like Bradley made a doody on the gym floor. I feel bad for him. But ick. Icky ick ick. I mean, honestly ... very icky. ::shudders::

So, I was riding the bus home today, and I hear Adam talking to Dana behind me. Adam: "CC doesn't believe in God." Dana: "CC's a LESBIAN." Adam: "CC says that everybody is a little bit bi." Dana: "She's not bi, she's a LESBIAN." And that's all I remember, but there was more stuff, but then they heard giggles and realized I was sitting right in front of them. Honestly, I NEVER giggle.

All day today in math I was coughing. Hack hack hack. And then my nose started running. Dribble dribble dribble. And the phone's ringing. But that didn't happen in math, and it's a sales call, so I'm not a'going to pick it up.

I'm taking a page out of Alicia's family's book by litterbox-training Goober (my bun). I read that rabbits are naturally very clean creatures, like cats, and they'll take to a litterbox like a fat kid to a cupcake. So I stuck some tupperware in Goober's cage with cat litter in it and he made all of his little poops in it. It worked! Aha! Kind of shocking, actually. But now he likes to sit in it and never goes anywhere else in cage.

Monday, when I stayed home from school with my illness, I took Goober outside on his leash and let him dig up my mom's flowers and he and Murphy (my hound) ended up cuddling on Murph's bed. Murphy usually goes crazy when he sees Goober outside of a cage, licking him and nibbling on him - LOVE NIBBLES, NOT FOOD NIBBLES. It was so cute, Goob just hopped up into the space between Murphy's folded back leg and his stomach. Oh, by the way, Murphy was laying down. And so Murphy looks up, all surprised, gives Goober a nudge with his nose, and then lays his head back down. It was adorable.

You know what, I love Stephen Lynch. Have you ever heard him? He's a "mild-mannered singing comedian by day", which he calls himself in the segment called "Superhero". Seriously, download some of his songs, or mooch off me. They're awesome, but I can't think of a single one that isn't dirty, so don't listen to them with your parents arounds. I know my mom's reading this, so, Mom, none of this is true. It is all a lie.

Yesterday our table was in a weird spot at lunch. I did not like it. No I did not. So I ate sitting on the counter by the windows. Me and Corinne were Puerto Rico. Figure it out.

Oh, I have a really funny riddle. IM me if you want to hear it.

Today, my mom put a sticker on my lunch bag that said "Cutest Kid" which Cori promptly put on my forehead after she collided with both Jess and Bradley, although not at the same time. In Spanish, Mike was ripping it off to put on Henry, and it ripped at "Cut". Not kidding. I thought that was so deliciously emo, so I stuck it on my wrist. "Cutting for Dummies." Shows you exactly where to do it.

Well, I'm hungry, because the only thing I had for lunch was an apple, so I'm going to eat cereal or something. Urg, hunger is present.

I'll chat you up some other time.

Just kidding.

Not reallly.

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