Friday, March 17, 2006

Pippin, Huzzah!

Huzzah! Tonight Steve is playing his eeny-weeny insignificant role in "Pippin"! Actually, it's a pretty good role for a sophomore. And I get to watch him! And watch all the ninth graders swoon over him. And some of the eight graders, too... you know who you are. I mean, ick. He's my brother. Sophia's coming tonight, and of course Hayden's going every night with me to support Dane. Huzzah for brothers! Tomorrow I'm giving Corinne a ride, oh, and tonight's picture night. So I'll be there until like midnight taking bad pictures of the cast and crew.

Tomorrow we're having our annual Tachter, Way, and Promanek after-show party. Huzzah for parties! Me and Hayden want to toga it up, but we're finding it hard to find other people willing to do so. I mean, it's not that cold in March.

And tomorrow Nick and Jen are coming to watch Steve and Dane. Huzzah! First, though, the non-performing people (namely: Nick, Jen, Bryn, Chip, Hayden, Mom, me) are going to the Adirondack Grill or whatever it's called. Where we went last year.

Dad's coming tonight and doing his part. So I'll be sitting with Mom and Dad. This is the family night. The other nights I can sit wherever I want, but tonight I have to sit with Mommy and Daddy. Huzzah. (Note the lack of exclamation points there.)

Well, I had my meeting with the guidance counselor to discuss my schedule. I'm not going to do AP next year, because I'll graduate with more history credits than I need. That would be terrible. I like history and all, but school history I can do without it. How it's taught is so dreary.

Wow, I'm actually really tired. I didn't even stay yup late last night. In fact, I went to bed really early. Like 8:30. I feel like swearing at people in Swedish. Which is just about the funnest thing you can do.

Except for animate things in Geometer's Sketchpad. And draw things like Sophia with teeth on her chest.

I'm kind of disappointed. I had an inordinate amount of donations just pouring in at first. It's slowed to a complete halt. Um... hello? Where are the donations I forced- I mean, asked- you to give? Hmmm?

Okay, my computer is having a seizure, so with these words, I'm out:

To me, love is like a merry-go-round. Stay on too long and I'll throw up.

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