Sunday, April 23, 2006

Boarding School

I should be doing either my DBQ for social studies, or my English research project, but I just can't get this off my mind.

My mom and I were in the car earlier today, and we drove past Friend's Academy and Mom's like, "Maybe I'll send you to Friend's next year." I, of course, vehemently protested against this, and added as an after-thought, "I wouldn't mind going to boarding school, though," and now I can't get it off my mind.

Mom actually took it seriously and started talking with me about it, and now that I know it's actually an option I'm kind of freaking out. I mean, I know I'm probably just going to end up coming back to our school next year, but I feel like if I do I'll be missing out on something.

This is so annoying!!! I wish it had never come up. I actually have to make a decision instead of just assuming I'm coming back here. This is really hard. And freaky. And it seems unreal. Is this a dream?

I think I should go through the decision-making process we learned in Computer.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

boarding school can be a great experience. i say give it a try. you can always come back. i vote go.