The Swedes have left and given me my room back. Hurrah, void of space they previously occupied!!! Not that I don't love 'em. I do. It's just... I like my room. You know? We had fun, but... it's just... what I said before. It's so nice with the house all nice and empty and I can walk around in my underwear again. Which I actually did when they were here, too. We're Swedish. Give us a break.
I got back from Alicia's pool and discovered that I've only packed 3 pairs of underwear for 14 days of camp. Ummm... that's not going to work out well. Hurrah, dirty panties!!!
I got my first B-cup bras yesterday. I've been B for a while, but I haven't had B bras. One of them is bright green with lace panels and it's so freaking sweet. Hurrah, boobs!!!
I also went to Dick's (-stifles immature laughter-) and got a new mess kit... and... other things of that nature. What else did I get? OH, a really awesome new rain jacket that I actually will wear. I get so excited over a rain jacket. I should be put down. Hurrah, euthanasia!!! I got a lot of other stuff, too, but I don't remember what.
I ALSO went to Sears and got water shoes, which are mandatory for camp. Hurrah, stones not piercing my feet!!!
Where else did I go? Hurrah, short-term memory!!!

Oh, I went to Target to get my cute little travel-sized toiletries (-stifles more immature laughter). Toilet... trees... (-more laughter-) Hurrah, looking sexy but acting like you're three!!! Too bad I'm not sexy...
Aw, poor Elton John. He wants love... just a different kind... but it's impossible. -tear- Hurrah, homosexuality!!!
I really should pack up and get ready for camp, so I'm going to check out of this emotion-hotel.
My sweet Patrick...
I love you. I don't want to hurt you. We'll talk when I get back.
Dearest Ali and Jess and Hayden...
I'll miss you beeyatches so much. Kisses and hugs. Love y'all.
I get to comment. Which means that I actually read somebody's blog.
Oh boy.
I luffles you to death, dear. And though I shall miss you very very very very much, I'm glad you're having fun at camp.
Hugs for you!
Love always,
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