Thursday, October 4, 2007
New blog!
Be there.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Procrastination (is it water on the knee?)
I'm not sure why I post, anyway. Nobody reads it. I wish more people did. I think I'm entertaining enough. If you're reading this, comment so I can feel loved.
Fourth of July is coming up (and I'm leaving for camp on the fifth). Y'all know what that means. Make-out-on-the-beach-with-a-girl time!
That was a joke. Joking about last year. When Anonymous described in vivid detail how me and one of my girls were hooking up. Propaganda.
In fact, I've never hooked up. I've never been drunk. I've never been high.
I wonder if Anette (my mom) still reads this.
Well, if she does, I'm more honest on here than I'd ever be with her in REAL LIFE.
I've never had opportunities to do those things. I'd definitely hook up (as long as he wasn't gross), I'd definitely get drunk (and risk Steve kicking my ass), and I might get high.
I'd feel really guilty getting high. I asked Steve once if he ever had (still not sure I believe him) and he started going on about how drugs are really different from alcohol and how people say it's not a big deal and how it is a big deal and how you can get addicted and things like that. So I'd feel guilty.
I have my own high though; Ms. Nagor would call it my natural high (snort), but I don't know how natural it is. I don't sleep. And then I get a high. It's amazing.
I wish I was a better photographer. That's what I want to make a career out of, but I'm really not awesome. Check out my deviantart,, and tell me how it is.
I joined a group on Facebook today. I love Facebook groups. I'm addicted. I joined a group called something like "I'm sexually inappropriate with my friends but I'm not actually a Lesbian." Because that's the truth. So many people think I'm gay! It's so strange. They obviously don't know me AT ALL. I'm like the horniest little mofo (God, I REALLY hope Anette doesn't read this). Girls don't turn me on.
Andrew really made me respect him a lot more when he said that when the idiotic sophomore girls freak out when I walk by them, saying, "There goes the Lesbian!" he tells them that I'm not, and what would it matter if I was?
I have short hair. I wear motorcycle boots. I'm vegan. I guess I understand how people would think I'm a total bull dyke. But I have short hair because it's funky and different. And motorcycle boots are really cool and so versatile. And I'm vegan because I love animals, have morals, value my health, and would like to help the environment.
Corinne hates that I'm vegan. I don't know why.
I discovered how exciting it is to plant a vegetable garden and grow it. My strawberries and three tomato plants are flowering. I can eat the lettuce. The spinach is growing. The basil is huge. The catnip is... well, the catnip's destroyed, thanks to my cat and the neighbourhood strays. The snowpeas have little mini snowpeas just starting to grow. The watermelon died, but that's alright. The rosemary, parsley, and mint I don't care about. They basically stayed the same. They're for Anette.
Oh, to date, I've lost ten pounds. I'm really excited by that. I celebrated by eating a pint of soy ice cream.
No, I'm totally kidding. But I really did lose ten pounds. I understand now how people can become weight freaks. Lately, people have been like, "You look so lean! Did you lose weight? You have a very erotic physique" (that last one was Jess). And I can imagine what they'd say if I lost another ten. But then I'd be 104 lb. and 5'4", and I don't think that's healthy.
Now I just need to tone.
I went to Whole Foods for the first time Friday and totally orgasmed. I nearly peed myself with excitement. I want it to be my final resting place. There's so much vegan stuff, so much healthy stuff, for ridiculously high prices. I think I want to have a protest. Health food stores and companies take advantage of health-conscious people and of vegans. It's not fair. I want to retaliate.
I'm also going to hand out fliers at KFC as soon as they come in the mail from PETA. I really want to become active in preserving animal rights, human rights, and the environment.
But first, I have to get through school. I have a ridiculous amount of work to do. It's really not cool. I have to make up Spanish work. I have to write two essays. I have to study for finals. I have to do my Chefs project. I need to prepare for the Relay. I need to get a dress for Sara Salt's sweet sixteen. I need to help Corinne organize our garden party (which I think we're going overboard with).
Well. This took up a sufficient amount of time. I think I can get back to Romeo and Juliet. I memorized my seventeen lines last night.
The clock struck nine when I did send the nurse.
In half an hour she promised to return.
Perchance she cannot meet him. That's not so.
Oh, she is lame! Love's heralds should be thoughts,
Which ten times faster glide than the sun's beams,
Driving back shadows over lowering hills.
Therefore do nimble-pinioned doves draw love,
And therefore hath wind-swift Cupid wings.
How is the sun upon the highmost hill
Of this day's journey, and from nine till twelve
Is three long hours; yet she is not come.
Had she affections and warm youthful blood,
She would be as swift in motion as a ball,
My words would bandy her to my sweet love,
And his to me.
But old folks, many feign as they were dead,
Unwieldy, slow, heavy, and pale as lead.
Ah, Juliet. I've discovered a love for Shakespeare.
So now I have to get back to it.
Monday, April 30, 2007
I am positively sensitive.
I was made to cry twice today.
I do have my period, unexpectedly, though. It was only a 26-day cycle, whereas I'm normally 32. What the hell is up with that???
Anyway, maybe that's why I found myself biting back tears twice today.
I mean, I had a field trip today, where I had so much fun, and I still cried twice!
First. I got a new haircut that I have sort of a love-hate relationship with. I love that it's really unique, and it shows people I'm spontaneous and that I live in the moment, and it feels pixie-ish (thanks, Cori). I hate that it shows my ears that I'm so self-conscious about and it's kind of mannish and kind of ugly and I look kind of like a dyke.
Yeah, it's really short.
So, I'm really self-conscious about my ears. I always have been. They're huge and they stick out. A lot. I'm very self-conscious.
Mike wasn't at the Formal (fun!), and I didn't see anybody all weekend since I volunteered at the Arbor Day Festival at Planting Fields, so he saw my new haircut for the first time today. I was liking it this morning! I get into school to get ready for my field trip, Mike walks up to me with a funny look on his face. And I was kind of like, "Well, this is going to suck." He puts his hands up to his head, kind of mimicking what ears look like, and says, "That new haircut, it makes your ears look huge. They stick out so much!"
And I was hurt briefly. And then I got pissed. "Mike, you're a dick. Shut the fuck up." "Your ears-" "Fuck off. Go away."
And then I got hurt again. And cried on my way to the Chefs classroom.
It really hurt my feelings!
I have a lot of homework. I have Interact, and I have a captains' meeting.
I'm also pretty hurt that the guys don't want to be on my team. I feel like an idiot for having such a "gay" name. I thought it was fun. But now I feel stupid.
The field trip was awesomen, though. We went to Kitchen Kabaret for breakfast. I had a fruit salad that I didn't finish, and Buffa chugged three different energy drinks: Red Bull, Bomba, and Extreme Energy Shot. Extreme Energy Shot is the first energy drink that I think is good. It's delicious.
Then we went to Hick's to "look at herbs," i.e. jerk off and cause trouble. That was a lot of fun. We went to Benihana's for lunch, during which I spilled my entire water all over the table (not on myself!). I don't know how I did it, but I did. The "vegeterian delight" was pretty good. I drank soy sauce straight. Love that stuff.
We went to Cold Stone, where I got dark chocolate Love It with Twix and Heath Bar in a waffle bowl. It was delicious. The guy behind the counter was totally hitting on me. He gave me the waffle bowl for free and told me he'd get me another one if it wasn't perfect. It was fun.
And then we got back to school and Harrison made me cry.
That's right.
Harrison made me cry.
I was going to go to my locker before the bell rang so I could put my textbook away and he wouldn't let me.
So I forced myself not to cry.
Actually, I cry all the time. But I don't tell anybody! And I don't cry over things like this!
Actually, I do. I cry over commercials. I cry over songs. I cry over stuffed animals. I cry over lots of things.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Why not wake up in great skin?
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Stalker, please
Cori and I got back from Florida Thursday. We pretty much just
I am def-jam-toe-jam (I don't know what it means, either) not going to post until I get the name of my stalker! Or at least another comment or two.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Mental Prostitution
I'm tired now. Later.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Leave Undeserving Him
Monday, March 5, 2007
Oh, this was a fun day. Corinne and I were ill-chilling on the upper field. I was Squanto and she was Pocahontas. I built the teepee while she went hunting, as pictured in this photograph. The lyrics are from a song by Say Anything.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Everybody Cries
This one, I must say, I really, really like. The picture is of the hangglider ride at the fair, you know the one. And the lyrics are from "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. I wish they were all as appealing to me as this one. Because this one, like, really really is.
We Are The Fury/The Audition/Head Automatica/Jack's Mannequin concert last night rocked.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Conditional Love
This is good old Steven Liberto, looking hot and bothered at Cloe's Sweet Sixteen. Very hot, I'd say. No, he's really not emo. I told him to pose like this.
Professionally, I just have to point out that he has a wondrous skin tone. It looks so amazing on camera. I have some shots of him where it's like, mmmm, I want to lick your skin off.
Y'all should see him dance to "Steam Heat" for "The Pajama Game." Hottie!
Anyway, the quote is from Gym Class Heroes, who are way awesome. I'm naming my band for the history project after them, I think. They're going to be called Lower Class Heroes if they're peasants, but they might be the Catholic church or rulers. Not sure yet.
Monday, February 26, 2007
This bad boy I took when Corinne and I were playing on the upper field that one day. We never did that again. Mainly because we would have frozen our nipples off. Right, so this is a picture of a chee, or, for you illiterate (who are being read to), a tree.
The quote I wrote in "CAC Pinafore," if anybody's curious, and it's from the remarkable, wonderful, stupendous, most amazing band ever, Say Anything. I love them, so much. If anybody wants to make my life, take me to another one of their concerts. Or hook me up with Max Bemis. They are so FREAKING GOOD.
Nobody cared about that last paragraph; it just made me feel official, and I hope that by mentioning SAY ANYTHING and their lead singer, MAX BEMIS, a lot, they'll be Googling themselves and come across my blog, and say, "Hey, look at this girl, she deserves for us to grace her and most likely give her a stroke by, like, commenting on her blog and giving her free concert tickets and tee shirts and signed drumsticks and maybe a little sex."
Damn, I should register on Google.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
You shut your mouth when you're talking to me.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Time warp, much?
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I am terrified of all things, frightened of the dark
And I just realized that it's only been 18 days since the New Year.
And I'm still fat.
Damn, this is disappointing.
Right, so I've been having fun and keeping very busy. Or just jacking off. Rehearsals started for "The Pajama Game" (in the ensemble, I am). The songs are so much fun, even if I sing the worst.
Tomorrow night is a Chami-dance. W00t w00t. I really, really want to meet Chris Mellow. Seriously, haven't I been meaning to meet him since a very long time ago? Ever since Patrick first uttered his complacent name? (I used "complacent" randomly; I'm not quite sure what it means.)
The night after that (Saturday night) is a Nine Days concert that Patrick isn't coming to!!! What? Yeah, it's messed up. But I'm missing Jess's party for it and I really hope she isn't fuming inwardly. So far, I think just Mike, me, and Nick are going. I'm desperately trying to convince Nick that Jack (his little brother) should also come, but to no avail.
And then SUNDAY, I want to go dress-shopping for Chloe's Sweet Sixteen. Yeah, Chloe! My brother was supposed to RSVP, but I'm not sure if he did, so I'm not sure if she's expecting us. But WE'RE COMING, Chloe, WE'RE COMING. I also have to buy a gift for her; I'm thinking a pretty, delicate bracelet or necklace. Chloe has such a good voice.
I have many, many projects to do, the most prominent of which is my Spanish "Good Morning Long Island" video project. The script is due tomorrow. Which we found out... two days ago? Yesterday? Anyway, our script is NOT DONE. It's me, Henry, Matt, and Alicia. It should be really funny. We're news talk show people. Alicia is this bright-ass, cheery anchor who keeps her plastic smile throughout all the bad news. Henry is falling asleep, looking disheveled and cute, as he stumbles through the entertainment news. I'm a tomboy-ish, gross, nose-picking, butt-scratching, icky-icky sports newscaster. Matt's filming, and I think he's going to be the weather man.
But, when it comes to actually getting it done, we're fucked.
We also have to make a video for English (what?) about a scene from The Odyssey. We want it to be Nick, John, Henry, and I. We're going to write our own scene where we land on an island of midgets so Jack can be it. Because Jack HAS to be in it. I wish I saw Jack's adorable face every minute of every hour of every day.
Testing week is coming up. Shit on rye bread. Math Regents, Ghist midterm, Esci midterm. This is bad. I'm screwed, really truly.
Nick and I are finding a new boyfriend for Hayden. We don't like the one she has. He's not hot, he's shy, he doesn't ravish her... I mean, the list goes on and on. We either want her to date Nik Helmick or Alex Luzysnki (who's a grade above her). Neither are exactly hot, but they're adorable in a puppy-dog kind of way. If those don't work out, we're importing a guy from England or Ireland. This is only until high school, mind you. When she's in high school, she is SO with Andrew.
We're making a podcast/fake radio station for English. It's weird. Me and Nick want to be coanchors (or co-anchors). We're all reading parts of our stories. I really hope Harri likes mine.
Speaking of Harri, I had detention with him today, but I also had GSA pictures and I had to go get a library card so I can go to the Chami-dance. He told me to sit in the back and raise my hand when I learned my lesson. I contemplated for a moment and raised my hand. He came to me, and I said oh-so-elegantly, "I've realized how hurtful and immature trashing others is (I got detention for calling Nick dumb) and I've recognized Nick's beautiful soul for what it is." He laughed at me and let me go. Score.
I am so damn good at excuses and giving thanks and all of these tricky-icky word-of-mouth things. Like when Wilson was pissed at Kyle and I for fooling around with the UPS thing and I'm all, "Mr. Wilson, I completely understand where you're coming from. It'll never happen again. I understand." I completely and indefinitely win.
I got my working card! Which means I can get a job at PETCO, which means I get 50% off (I think), which means I'll have more of a case, which means Mom might let me get two ferrets!
Which I really, really want.
I also really want Steven's room, so I'll have the space for a nice big cage for my ferrets (I will, of course, also ferret-proof my room, so they can run around). Mom's made the deal with Steven that if he switches into my room, she'll never bug him about the state of his room again. Which she does every day. Literally. It's so annoying to me; it must be even more annoying to him.
Today, my dearest big brother slammed me into the lockers.
Corinne and Jess were both out today. Jess needs surgery on her knee for that weird calcium ting. Corinne... I've been trying to call. I want her to come to the Chami dance. I have the most fun with guys and Corinne. And sometimes Hayden. But, hey, Hay, don't feel slighted. I still have more fun with you than any other girl (except Corinne). Lovies you.
Ooooh, I'm so excited to talk to all of Patrick's friend again in the safety of the Chaminade caf.
I've also been trying to incorporate the slang word "caf" into average student life. I love that word.
I've also tried to incorporate a teacher's last name to mean their homework. I.e., We have so much Mahoski! What was the Harrison? And so forth. I love that idea.
Ho, hum, there's lots else, but I forget it and/or don't want to type it up. So Bonjour for now. Arrivederci. Aloha. Hola. Ciao. Hej. That was quite the blend of "hello"s and "goodbye"s.
So, until next time, yours,
(God, that sign-off made me feel cool.)
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Audititons motherfucker
Yesterday was Alicia's birthday. And today, I gave her my present, right? And she gives it back! She "doesn't want it." I mean, how rude can you get?
New Year's Eve fucked moms, but in a good way. I spent it with Patrick and Hayden and Gabby and Hannah and my brother and my mom and other people that a) I don't like or b) are Steve's friends, so you might know what group I'm talking about or c) aren't worth mentioning.
No offense, all.
Nick is supposed to sleep over Saturday. Drag. And Dane's birthday is coming up, what day, though, is a mystery. At least to me.
I uploaded some videos onto YouTube, including Nick singing "London Bridge" and Lucas singing "SexyBack." Good times, car on the way to Say Anything concert.
Kyle, Mike, John, Henry, and I kicked Jess, Corinne, Alicia, Dylan, Mike, and Austen's asses today in wolleyball. We pwned them down to Chinatown.
Field trip tomorrow to the planetariu. Wooooh. Not really very excited, now, am I?
I picked out new frames the other day. I'm not sure if they look good on me. They might be dorky. I was debating about those or the total old-school-emo-style thick black frames. I wish the black ones looked good on me, but they don't, so I didn't get them. I really wish I looked good in them. That would rock more than Team Flan.
Tomorrow, Friday the 5th, if you're interested and I actually like you, come to my house from 7pm to 11pm. I want to chill and I want everybody to see "Just Friends" because it is a staple in life.