- I haven't posted since the establishment of Child Labor Laws
- everything may change tomorrow
- I am not of sound mind and body
- this is not my last will and testament
However, this post is not going to quench your CC-thirst. Which is why I am Claire, who is a tease. ("The Breakfast Club," anyone?) This is merely a teaser, merely a list, which goes as follows:
Nine Reasons I Really Enjoyed The Say Anything Concert
- The security guard we made friends with put us in the VIP parking and line
- We were right up against the stage, in the front row, the entire time (except Steve, Lucas, and Nick, who went crowd-surfing, and in the middle of the second-to-last song Corinne got nauesous so we went to the bathroom)
- I made friends with a kick-ass security guard.
- My friend, the kick-ass security guard, poured water in our mouths, on our heads, splashed us, etc.
- It was Corinne's first concert (besides gospel concerts, which totally don't count).
- We went all the way to Sayreville, NJ, for it, which made me feel like a groupie.
- Max, the lead singer of Say Anything, pointed at me and winked while we were singing a song.
- In the first of three other bands, I fell in love with the bassist.
- During one of the songs, a member of a different band who looked remarkably like a dwarf/lumberjack (lumberjack hat, dwarf beard, stocky, but not short) was dumped onto the stage in a garbage bag, and when he finally emerged after a lot of kicking all he wore was an orange Speedo.
It was sooooooooooooooooooooo good.